
WASSCE 2023 Chemistry Likely Questions


1.Explain the following:

• (a) Saponification

• (b) micelle

• (c) Oils

• (d) Fats

• (e) Saturated Fatty acid

• (f) Unsaturated Fatty acid

2.Draw a structural formula for each of the following:

• (i) methyl methanoate

• (ii) 2- methyl butanoic acid

• (iii) diethylamine

• (iv) hexane -16- diamine

• (v)  benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid

3.  (a)Describe with the aid of equation and diagram how trioxonitrate(v) is prepared in the laboratory

4. (a)Define Allotropy

• (b) Name two allotropes of carbon. How it can be shown that they are different forms of the same elements?

• (c) Mention two processes by which carbon(iv)oxide is released into the atmosphere.

• (d) State two properties of carbon(iv) oxide which can make it suitable for use as extinguishers.

5.(a)Mention two types of coal

• (b) when coal is heated strongly in retorts in the absence of air, four main product are obtained.

• (I) what is the process describe above?

• (II) Name the four products formed.

• (III) State two uses for any two of the products.

6.(a)Explain why sulphur (iv)oxide is purified before it is passed into the catalyst chamber of the contact process.

• (b) Give one reaction in each case to show how tetraoxosulphate(vi) acid behaves as

• (I) an oxidizing agent

• (Ii) an acid

• (III) a dehydrating agent.

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